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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Uzbek slides into Revolution.

Locals expel Uzbek town leaders

Local residents have seized control of Korasuv, a border town in eastern Uzbekistan, driving out representatives of the central government.
Angry crowds set government buildings alight and attacked the mayor.

The uprising follows the bloody suppression of a demonstration in the nearby city of Andijan on Friday.

The BBC's Ian MacWilliam says this is exactly the kind of local rebellion the Uzbek government hoped to prevent by a show of force in Andijan.

Hundreds of people are feared to have been killed in that city when troops fired on protesting crowds.

At least 500 people have fled into neighbouring Kyrgyzstan, though it is not clear how many were involved in the Andijan demonstration.

UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw told the BBC there had been "a clear abuse of human rights" in Uzbekistan.

Mr Straw said the situation was "serious" and called for more transparency from the Uzbek government.

The Uzbek foreign ministry dismissed the comments, saying Mr Straw was too far away to know what had happened.


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