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Sunday, December 18, 2005

Swiss open [criminal] investigation into CIA flights

Swiss open investigation into CIA flights

The Federal Prosecutor's Office has opened a criminal investigation into alleged overflights in Swiss airspace of CIA planes carrying detainees.

The investigation will seek to establish whether the United States committed illegal acts on Swiss territory.

The investigation was launched earlier this week, but prosecutors are aware of the difficulties they will probably face in obtaining information from Washington, Wiedmer said.

One plane registered to the US Department of Defense flew across the country twice on February 17, 2003, on a flight from Ramstein, Germany, to Aviano, Italy, and back again to Ramstein.

Italian prosecutors have reportedly identified the plane as being used to fly a radical imam, allegedly abducted by American agents that day in Milan, to Ramstein from where he was taken on to Cairo.

On February 17, 2003 he was abducted as he walked to his mosque in Milan for noon prayers.

Wiedmer said the timing of the flights and the alleged kidnapping played a role in the opening of the Swiss investigation.

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