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Monday, March 13, 2006

Ned Lamont To Make Senate Run Against Lieberman Official Monday...

Not before time, that is for sure

The Advocate Neil Vigdor March 12, 2006 at 05:13 PM
READ MORE: 2006, Iraq

Greenwich Democrat Ned Lamont will kick off his underdog U.S. Senate campaign against Joseph Lieberman tomorrow in Hartford, despite calls from the state party's chairwoman to unite behind the incumbent.

"People want a good debate of the issues. They don't want a rubber stamp for their senator," said Lamont, 52, who is scheduled to announce his candidacy at a 4 p.m. ceremony at the Old State House.

Lamont has been an outspoken critic of Lieberman for his support of the Iraq war and his voting record on such issues as judicial appointments and intelligence-gathering techniques.

Read the whole article here.

Listen to Lamont with Sam Seder here.



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