Just Foreign Policy Iraqi Death Estimator    

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Malcom Lagauche

Bloodshed is the rule of the day and there is no functioning government. Chaos reigns and there is no end in sight. Over the three years of producing my column, many lefties have taken aim at my writing. They all profess to have been anti-war and, for the most part, anti-occupation, but they always qualified their articles with, "At least Saddam Hussein is gone." Unlike them, my reasoning that Iraq had become a basket case was different. I have always said the chaos evolved BECAUSE Saddam was gone. I was called a "Saddam dupe," a "Saddam apologist," a "Saddam diehard," and other such designations. One writer told me that Saddam and the Ba’athists had absolutely nothing to do with the resistance: it was a popular movement that magically sprung up after April 9, 2003. Looking back, they were wrong and Lagauche was right...

continua / continued


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