FOCUS | Top Government Official Says US on Verge of Economic Disaster
There's a dirty little secret everyone in Washington knows, or at least should. The vast majority of economists and budget analysts agree: The ship of state is on a disastrous course, and will founder on the reefs of economic disaster if nothing is done to correct it.
The Pirates Aboard Our Ship of State
The Pirates Aboard Our Ship of State
by GreyHawk
Sun Oct 01, 2006 at 11:40:14 AM PDT
Whether it's raping the environment or the treasury, pillaging a nation or plundering the social welfare of the poor and disenfranchised, the Republican Party of today has finally shown itself to the world as "the Party of Rape, Pillage and Torture " for the New American Century.
Protected and supported by the pundits, faux purists and hypocrites, these modern day "Republicans" have inflicted a festering wound deep in the heart and bowels of our homeland, poisoning our air and our minds with their manufactured, manicured lies.
The modern day Party of Lincoln quaintly calls itself the "Grand Old Party" while it usurps what honor may have remained in the title "Republican." It has taken control of our government and stolen our past, present and future. A party of modern-day pirates, the Republicans have pillaged our country, plundered our resources and laid waste the principles of an entire nation. Now, it's time to take names and enforce accountability for their crimes.
GreyHawk's diary :: ::
The list of corruption, excess, abuse and criminal behavior extends far and wide. Each word used to describe this band of cutthroats, jarring in and of itself, has several shades of meaning in which it can be applied. The Republicans of today, sadly, do a yeoman's job of meeting and exceeding each subtle difference in definition as if to demonstrate full compliance with each and every one. It is not a record a to be proud of. Indeed, it is not a record we, the people, should ever have been confronted with.
Let's take them one at a time. >>>cont
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