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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Paradoxes Doom Bush’s ‘New Strategy’ in Iraq

Nicola Nasser, Global Research

...His 5th paradox is more like shooting oneself in the legs. According to Bush, the sectarian violence is the source of insecurity in Iraq . His speech however had no mention whatsoever of either the U.S. or Iranian-sponsored militias, the major culprits in the death squads, ethnic and sectarian cleansing, assassinations, kidnappings, random killings and other sever human rights violations, all which created a hell of an insecurity environment across Iraq, but mainly in Baghdad. Adding insult to injury Bush, in his 6th paradox, wanted the Iraqis to sweep his waste: "Only Iraqis can end" the sectarian violence, he said, absolving himself of the responsibility for the sectarianism that mushroomed with the rumbling and roaring of his invading tanks and war planes to shake the very fabric of the Iraqi society and break into the peace of their daily life...

continua / continued


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