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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Take the Contracts and Run What's Good for Hallliburton is Good for ... Dubai


I for one am not going to fuss about Halliburton moving its corporate headquarters to Dubai on the sunny coast of the Persian Gulf. It makes sense, and it makes things so much clearer, too. Halliburton, recall, is the company that has made the most money of any private enterprise off of the Iraq War--$27 billion to date, most of it in the form of extraordinarily profitable no-bid contracts (the company earned a record $2.3 billion last year alone). It is also Vice President Dick Cheney's company. He headed it for five years before deciding to go into "public service" as President Bush's regent in 2001, and he continued to receive compensation from the company, and to hold options for Halliburton stock well into his vice presidency, refusing even to put his holdings into a blind trust, as wealthy political figures normally do to ensure that they don't make decisions based upon considerations of personal gain...

continua / continued


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