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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army,

Bush's Shadow ArmyJeremy Scahill A VideoNation report on the Bush Administration's growing dependence on private security forces such as Blackwater USA and efforts in Congress to rein them in.April 2, 2007 (web)
Bush's Shadow ArmyJeremy Scahill An investigation into Blackwater USA reveals a frightening picture of a politically connected private army that serves as the administration's Praetorian guard.April 2, 2007 issue
KBR's $400 Million Iraq QuestionJeremy Scahill & Garrett Ordower Did the Pentagon's biggest Iraq contractor violate military policy by hiring Blackwater and other private military companies?March 26, 2007 (web)Jeremy Scahill An investigation into Blackwater USA reveals a frightening picture of a politically connected private army that serves as the administration's Praetorian guard.April 2, 2007 issue
KBR's $400 Million Iraq QuestionJeremy Scahill & Garrett Ordower Did the Pentagon's biggest Iraq contractor violate military policy by hiring Blackwater and other private military companies?March 26, 2007 (web)2006
From Whitewater to BlackwaterJeremy Scahill & Garrett Ordower Blackwater USA has a new attorney to defend it against a wrongful death lawsuit by families of four contractors killed in Iraq: Kenneth Starr.November 13, 2006 (web)
Blackwater Shot Down in Federal CourtJeremy Scahill A federal appeals court has ruled a wrongful death lawsuit can proceed against Blackwater USA: Families claim the firm cut corners in pursuit of profit in Iraq, leading to the brutal deaths of four employees in Fallujah in 2004.September 11, 2006 (web)
Mercenary JackpotJeremy Scahill As the United States decries the private militias of Lebanon and Iraq, GOP-connected, privately owned global mercenary firms receive blank checks and little oversight.August 28, 2006 issue
In the Black(water)Jeremy Scahill Hurricane victims are still homeless in New Orleans, but thanks to the federal government's $30 million contract bonanza, Blackwater USA's profits are soaring.June 5, 2006 issue
In the Black(water)Jeremy ScahillMay 29, 2006 (web)
Blood Is Thicker Than BlackwaterJeremy Scahill Lawsuits by families of soldiers-for-hire killed in Falluja have put a major war profiteer in the cross-hairs.May 8, 2006 issue


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