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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

U.S. plane crashes in Dalouiya

Ghazwan al-Juburi, VOI

A U.S. plane, believed to be a cargo plane, crashed in a remote area in eastern Dalouiya, Salah al-Din province, eyewitnesses said on Tuesday. "The plane was coming from the U.S. Anaconda airbase (formerly al-Bakr) and is believed to have been hit by a missile and caught fire in the air," an eyewitness told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI)...

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our U.S. soldiers were killed in combat in Iraq on Monday, the U.S. military said, bringing the U.S. death toll since the invasion to 3,257. Two U.S. soldiers and a Marine were killed in separate attacks in the volatile western Anbar province, the heartland of the Sunni Arab insurgency. One soldier died and three were wounded when a large truck bomb exploded outside a police station in the disputed northern city of Kirkuk. Two policemen and 10 civilians were also killed...

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