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Monday, April 09, 2007

A Veteran’s Lament Interview with Tim Origer

Kim Petersen, www.dissidentvoice.org

Vietnam veteran Tim Origer describes the US government’s insouciance to the troops who are injured while "serving the homeland" but without addressing the fact that the troops are violating international law and morality in killing Iraqis and destroying their country. The treatment of the vets is atrocious. The appalling cruelty and disdain shown to yesteryear’s Bonus Army veterans and, more recently, to the veterans who suffer from Gulf War Syndrome adduces that the current mistreatment of veterans is not a historical aberration. That the troops are just pawns and cannon fodder and that their "patriotism" and "heroism" are not actually valued by the government demands widespread criticism. But there are higher principles to honor than just securing proper medical care for the professional destroyers of people and their country...

continua / continued


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