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Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Meghan McCain: ‘No one knows what war is like other than my family. Period.’»

Megan McCain disses other military families on TODAY SHOW

In an interview on the Today Show this morning, host Meredith Vieira asked Meghan McCain about Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) comments that Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) “doesn’t get it.” Meghan responded by pointing to her dad’s service in Vietnam and her two brothers who are currently enlisted. She then went a step further, however,

saying that her family is the only family that understands war:
"John McCain on Education: Where Art Thou?"

McCain Launches Sex-Ed Spot; Obama Camp: "Perverse"

Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn't define what honor was. Now we know why," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.


John McCain is out with a response ad to Barack Obama's attacks today on his education policy, accusing the Democratic nominee of not accomplishing a single education-related goal other than to promote "comprehensive sex education" to kindergartners. Seriously, it's come to this.

The spot, titled "Education," comes after the two candidates went back and forth over education issues most of Tuesday. It is an attack the Obama campaign should be ready for. The same lines were used against the Senator during his run for office in 2004 by challenger Alan Keyes, and were brought up during the primary by Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.
In essence, Obama supported "age appropriate" sex-education for children as a means of teaching them what was proper or inproper touching, as well as to protect them against pedophiles, his campaign has said. Used in the context of the McCain campaign ad, however, Obama's stance becomes another one of those cultural issues that seems designed to alienate the Illinois Democrat from more socially moderate voters.
And very quickly, the Obama campaign came out with a hard hitting response, pointing to a series of education accomplishments made by Obama, and calling McCain "perverse" for the latest attack.
"It is shameful and downright perverse for the McCain campaign to use a bill that was written to protect young children from sexual predators as a recycled and discredited political attack against a father of two young girls - a position that his friend Mitt Romney also holds. Last week, John McCain told Time magazine he couldn't define what honor was. Now we know why," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.
Here is the script of that ad that the McCain folks say will be airing in "key" states.



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