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Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Every Student Has Something To Offer

(AP) ARLINGTON, Va. — In a pep talk that kept clear of politics, President Barack Obama on Tuesday challenged the nation's students to take pride and ownership in their education – and stick with it even if they don't like every class or must overcome tough circumstances at home.
"Every single one of you has something that you're good at. Every single one of you has something to offer," Obama told students at Wakefield High School in suburban Arlington, Va., and children watching his speech on television in schools across the country. "And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is." LinkHere

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Newt Gingrich On Obama Back-To-School Speech: "I Recommend It To Everybody"
Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich spoke out Tuesday in support of President Obama's "back-to-school speech" delivered to school children across the country. Gingrich's remarks came in the wake of an outlandish controversy stirred up by conservative commentators over the address.
"President Reagan did it, President H.W. Bush did it," Gingrich said on NBC's "Today" show. "If he could give a speech tomorrow night in the tone of his speech today to the students, this country would be much better off ... It's a good speech, I recommend it to everybody if you have any doubts." LinkHere

How apalling it will be for the child of this pathetic uneducated brain dead individual, when he or she watches this video clip, and does watch the Presidents speech

Parents: If your child's school refused to show the President's speech, here are the links to it.
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyH3PHqj3WI
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im8VeXkOU8c
Opposing Obama's School Speech Isn't Partisan -- It's Just Crazy
This is what happens when you amplify insanity and call it by another name.
Earlier this morning, President Barack Obama gave his planned address to the nation's schoolchildren. This caps off a ridiculous period of time in the life of our Republic, in which a number of people completely lost their minds at the prospect of Obama talking to children about the importance of education, and the media -- to its great discredit -- pointed cameras at them and treated them as if they were sane.
With the address now behind us, the claims made by opponents of the address look more absurd than ever. And yet it should have never come to this point. To suggest that it is at all controversial, let alone nefarious, for the President to address the nation's youth is clearly demented. There is no other word for it. When the media was confronted by the "Birthers" and their bizarre assertion that Obama was not an American citizen, the media -- well, at least most of it -- rightly proclaimed the absurdity. Objections to Obama's address were, similarly, evidence of a great dementia loosed upon the nation. But in this case, even with all the clarity brought by the advance publication of Obama's speech, the political press somehow woke up this morning still wrestling with how to properly define the strange reaction to Obama's address.
Already today, I have heard this matter discussed in terms of how it's a product of "hyperpartisanship" and a demonstration of a larger "polarization" of the political discourse. This is more pointless mystification of the issue.
THIS is what this story was: A bunch of lunatics made a bunch of claims about this address that were stupidly premised and borne of the same stuff as Birtherism: the simple desire to abolish Obama's existence and deny that the office of the president has any authority under his hand. If the media cannot figure this out, they deserve a failing grade. LinkHere


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