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Sunday, May 15, 2005

Rummy is threatening American Citizens now.


Overseas base report critical of Rumsfeld yanked from website

A government commission studying overseas military bases sent Congress a report critical of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld May 9, then removed the document from the commission Web site after the Pentagon complained that it divulged classified information, the Washington Post's Mike Allen will report in Monday's paper, RAW STORY has learned.

Excerpts follow:

The panel contends that the 262-page report is based only on public sources, and several commission officials say they believe the Defense Department came down on them so hard because their conclusions include harsh criticism of some elements of Rumsfeld's strategy for streamlining the military.

An official involved in the discussions, who refused to be named, said the Pentagon's primary complaint appeared to be that the report specified Bulgaria, Poland and Romania as countries U.S. forces would rotate through for training, rather than using a more vague regional identification such as eastern Europe....

According to e-mails that an official involved in the dispute read to The Washington Post, Barry Pavel, the Defense Department's director of strategy on global posture, wrote to Cornella on May 7 to warn of "the potential need to conduct an investigation regarding violation of security classification procedures, including the IT-related aspects (eg, possibly having to clean your servers, etc)."

Commission officials said they took that as a threat to revoke their security clearances and to bring military police or information-technology agents to their Arlington offices.

The officials said Pavel raised the concerns with Cornella on May 6 in an e-mail with the subject line, "Re: report." "I'll be frank," Pavel wrote, according to the e-mail read to The Post. "I found it professionally disappointing; riddled with errors of fact, misperceptions, and misunderstandings; and divulging classified information that will damage our foreign relations and national security."

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Blogger Rachel Croucher said...

he should have resigned ages ago

16/5/05 2:52 AM  
Blogger Christy said...

I keep having this reoccurring dream that rummy boy gets fragged by his own men. Terrible I know but Im thinking after leaving them with no armor it would be poetic justice.

Its a good dream overall even when he screams like a girl.

16/5/05 7:07 AM  

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