Jordan's Spy Agency: Holding Cell for the CIA
Save A Soldier. Impeach A President.
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Troops Rescued Mistreated Boys From Special Needs Orphanage; Two Dead Of Cholera
Bush Iraq 9/11 Lies
Anwaar Hussain
As November 2007 draws to a close, it will be full three years since American forces razed the Iraqi city of Fallujah to ground. It was in November 2004 that George Bush’s forces played havoc with that city and its unfortunate inhabitants in the name of God. While the American media chose to remain blind to the utter horror of it all, busy as it was with keeping a close watch over the life and death of Terri Schindler Schiavo, Dr. Hafidh al-Dulaimi, the head of "the Commission for the Compensation of Fallujah citizens" reported the destruction that American troops inflicted on Fallujah. According to the report, there were some 7000 totally destroyed, or nearly totally destroyed, homes in all districts of Fallujah. 8400 stores, workshops, clinics, warehouses, etc. were completely destroyed. 65 mosques and religious sanctuaries were demolished. 59 kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and technical colleges were flattened. 13 government buildings leveled. Four libraries, that housed thousands of ancient Islamic manuscripts and books, were gutted completely. The number of human beings slaughtered in those buildings, of course, is any body’s guess....
continua / continued
Jonathan Stephenson on November 30th, 2007 11:16 am
There are a number of simple facts for Americans to come to grips with, No.1 The information about what is truly happening in Iraq is available for all Americans to see if they will look, most won’t, their guilt is on their own heads. No.2 When your leader is a monster and you are in a free society a lot more than prayer and fasting is required to get the message accross “Not in my name”, our guilt is on our own heads. No. 3 OK we can say the deed is done and what can we do about it now, “We can demand the impeachment, removal, and permanent incarceration of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and a host of other civilian and military leaders” their guilt is on their own heads! No. 4 Look at Myanmar, look at the Ukraine, when their people spoke and their governments ignored them, they took to the streets by the millions and in Myanmar some died, well until we “Americans” are willing to fight our own government to make it do as we wish, our guilt is on our own heads. No. 5 We are facing economic catastrophy due to the actions of these monstrous men, and when the shoe drops do we expect a world which we have ignored, brutalized, threatened, bankrupted, murdered their leaders, sold their people into slavery; do we really think this world will be merciful to us, will care about our loses, no, our guilt will be on our own heads! These are facts for the Citizens of the Great Satan, as the Iranians call us with good reason, do we still have time, can we be saved? Your actions will speak for you, will you act, or will your guilt remain on your own head!
Christy Questions
'Ok, then. Let's talk about God.'
Dear Republicans,
You seem most eager to bring God into our political discourse, so let's totally go there. But, fair warning, we will also be speaking of the Devil. And Hell. I must assume if you believe in God, you must also then believe in hell.
How dare I, a liberal hawk (sometimes democrat), speak to your beliefs? Well that is simple, for 1. I also believe in God, and for 2, I was in the past one of you who justified my political beliefs with my interpretation of God. And just like you, somehow I even used it to justify supporting the death penalty.
But, God is no longer twisted just to support the death penalty, is He? Somehow the overwhelming support for our current wars, is ultimately justified among our Christian population using God and morality as the ironic excuse to kill and torture people. Somehow Saddam was 'evil' therefore, killing him, and violently overthrowing and occupying his country can be justified because it was the 'right' thing to do. 'Right' by whom? Right by GOD, ofcourse. That is what you mean by 'right'...right? Right.
Except, no Iraqi sees it that way and niether does 99% of the rest of the world. Instead, they see just the opposite. You can say it is because they just 'hate God', but no, they just hate evil people that start wars for lies that gets over a million people killed while expecting everyone else to clean up the mess.
Did she dare say we are evil? What am I suppossed to call people that invade countries that have never threatened them and violently overthrow and occupy people who have never done anything to any of US...? Don't worry, I fully count myself among the evil bastards that did do that very thing. FOR NOTHING we did this, except that God was on our side and it was 'the right thing' to do'. Led by The Son oF Providence, himself, George W. Bush. But, we all know it was his lies that started it, so what if he was lying about Providence too?
What if he is actually the son of the devil instead...? Would the spawn of Satan have acted any differently at all than George Bush has? If the Devil actually wanted to start Armegeddon, he would use a foolish tool EXACTLY like George Bush to do so. And he would have been spouting lies and the the word Providence. With fake preachers bought off with faith based welfare there to vouch for him all along the way.
When ever once has George Bush followed the teachings of Jesus Christ? Not one single time I can remember seeing. Just because the man sits in church does not make him a holy man. It does not even make him a GOOD man. Any fool can sit on a pew without falling off.
I keep wondering why we just can not as a nation confront all this corruption and wars for lies and bring back the moral center that is suppossed to guide us. It has slowly dawned on me that all of these things are not happening because we can not confront and deal with our problems. It is happening because of our own individual inability to look into the mirror and confront the evil that glares back.
Ask yourselves, why is it Bush has never truly been confronted with anything at all he has done or caused ? No real dissent is allowed at all, even from other republicans. He is not exactly a big scary man. They do not avoid confronting him because he is smarter than they. It is because NO ONE wants to see the evil that lies behind his rightous facade. No one here wants to admit that kind of evil has infected us all. If we know we will see evil in the mirror, why look in the mirror?
What happens to evil bastards like me, and you, who violently overthrew and occupied people for lies? People who continue to justify and hide those lies and then use GOD as thier ultimate excuse to trump any suggestion of accountability, what will become of those people once God gets them?
Oh, and God will get them, He will get us alllll. But what do you think will happen to those people that dare stand before Him and say they supported it all, in His name? Because it was the right thing to do by Him. Do you think God will be amused?
As I said, if you believe in God, you most certainly believe in hell, too. Except you republicans always seem to leave that part out when trying to justify political beliefs that require people die. All God, no mention of hell. As someone raised with southern baptists I find that quite extraordinary. It has to be deliberate, so no one will remember there are consequences if God really wasn't on your side after all.
How exactly will you use God to justify attacking Iran? When we bomb their people, will we be told because it is the 'right thing' to do? That is right, we are already being told exactly that. That we must bomb them, because it is the right thing to do. And if it isn't what God would want us to do?
As a Christian myself, I will no longer let any of us pretend bombing people is the 'christian' thing to do. Because it so obviously is not. We could say 'The Devil made us do it!', but only if the Devil is now named George W. Bush. And he very well could be. They don't call him the Great Pretender for nothing.
Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd pays tribute to Bernie Banton
Watch Here
ABC News
Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd paid tribute to asbestos-disease campaigner Bernie Banton, who died early this morning at home at the age of 61. Mr Rudd also answered questions on plans to abolish WorkChoices and a promised apology in Parliament to the Stolen Generations.
Gaza rally, in protest of Annapolis Summit/ photo by IMEMC staff
The rally, the largest, since Hamas established power in the region in in June, was called for by the Hamas and Islamic Jihad movements.
Protesters chanted slogans against the Washington-sponsored conference, saying, "we wont recognize Israel, we never concede the right of return, we never give up an inch of our lands."
One of the protesters told IMEMC that "we don’t care about our conditions, we need no more alleged peace conferences."
Dr. Ahmad Bahar, speaker of the Hamas-dominated Palestinian Legislative Council, told the crowds, "today, the Palestinian people tell those meeting in Annapolis that they refuse to concede their inalienable rights."
Bahar also revealed that the PLC had recently passed a new bill prohibiting concession of the Palestinians' right to return to Palestine as well as the right to Jerusalem and resistance, stating that, "This bill is intended to protect Palestinian rights from those who collaborate with the Israeli entity."
Palestinians and Israelis have, so far, failed to come to an agreement regarding to core issues such as the problem of refugees, the borders of a Palestinian state and the status of Jerusalem.
Israel insists that Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, while Palestinians want a specific timetable for peace talks that follow the Annapolis summit.
.Tense negotiations continue to focus on the American request for a joint Palestinian/Israeli declaration. The Palestinian team – before coming to Annapolis and since arriving – has been pushing for three major issues to be included in any statement: 1) a timeline for implementation; 2) guarantees of international involvement; and 3) clearly stated terms of reference, including international law, United Nations resolutions and the Roadmap to Peace. Israel has rejected all three...
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