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Friday, April 10, 2009
Obama Notre Dame Debate: O'Donnell Smacks Down Buchanan
Both O'Donnell and Buchanan are Catholic, but they disagreed on whether or not Obama should speak at a Catholic University. The debate got heated when O'Donnell pointed out that former President George W. Bush was invited to speak at the school, despite the fact he supported the death penalty and launched the Iraq war, against the wishes of the Pope. O'Donnell went so far as to say this was a "fake controversy, run by religious fanatics."
When are the going to lock this friking wanker up, these scum on fox news are inciting violence.
Suicide bomb kills 5 US soldiers, 2 Iraqi police
That is a insult, plain and simple, they wanted to insult the President of the United States of America. Leader of the Free World

* Wu Qidi: the vice minister of education of the People's Republic of China was given an honorary degree at ASU in May 2006
* Cesar Chavez: The Mexican-American labor and civil rights activist was bestowed an honorary degree in 1992.
* Lawrence Douglas Wilder: The nation's first African-American governor in Virginia received an honorary degree and delivered the commencement address at ASU in 2004.
* Rita Colwell: A microbiologist who was the 11th director of the National Science Foundation, received an honorary degree in 2004.
* John Christian: A long-serving lawyer and community activist, received an honorary degree of Doctor of Humane Letters in 2002.
* Jane Dee Hull: Arizona's first elected female governor received an honorary degree.
* Alfredo Gutierrez: A long time Arizona legislator, was given an honorary doctorate in 2000.
* Kim Campbell: Canada's 19th prime minister, received an honorary degree in 2005.
* Lord John Browne of Madingley: The President of the Royal Academy of Engineering and Chief Executive of BP, received an honorary degree in 2005.
* Peterson Zah: The one time president of the Navajo Nation was honored in 2005.
* Rex G. Maughan: The founder, president, and CEO of Forever Living Products and Terry Labs, was honored in 2002.
Rove v. Biden, Round One

From Fox News (an exclusive, or I'd have found a different link):
Republican strategist Karl Rove called Vice President Biden a "liar" on Thursday, dramatically escalating a feud between Biden and aides to former President George W. Bush over Biden's claims to have rebuked Bush in private meetings.
"I hate to say this, but he's a serial exaggerator," Rove told FOX News. "If I was being unkind I would say liar. But it is a habit he ought to drop."
Rove added: "You should not exaggerate and lie like this when you are the Vice President of the United States."
The interview which has so stirred Mr. Rove's boiling kettle was broadcast by CNN on Tuesday. You can check it out right here.
Now tell me, dear readers, is this a case of a pot calling a kettle black? Or is it a little more one-sided?
Panetta orders private contractors bared from terror questioning.
CIA says no longer using secret prisons
Panetta: Remaining 'black sites' to shut; Investigator: Panetta covering torture.
"Now, no laughing off set or I will lose it!" begged Maddow, "I'm only barely making it through as it is." She said this BEFORE Cox joined the segment. From there, it just got better: "Who wouldn't want to tea bag John McCain?" Cox asked. "This is all part of the midterm strategy," added. You know it's going to be teabagging 24/7 when it comes to the midterms." And it shall be. Of this you can be certain.
I really do not have to say anything more. You all enjoy this, now. I'm just going to show myself out. Good night! LinkHere
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The Sex and the City gals explain what the wingnuts are up with their "teabagging" and all:
The Daily Show by John Stewart
John, I just became perversion literate, and I'm falling off my chair laughing at the comments, and for an old girl like me that's very dangerous.
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Just call Rush, all will be fixed. He's "De Facto" Leader Of GOP
Gov. Mark Sanford (R-S.C.), widely seen as a conservative dark horse candidate for the 2012 Republican nomination, is going on the air with a national TV ad explaining his opposition to deficit spending as a way out of the recession.
“Going further into debt will not solve a problem that was caused by too much debt,” says the ad running under the aegis of “Carolinians for Reform,” and just put online. “We’ve proposed a budget that responsibly addresses our state’s critical needs without more debt. To get there, we have to restructure the broken ways that our government operates.”
Paul Rieckhoff, 04.09.2009
Exec. Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)
Our nation's heroes deserve much more than lost paperwork and endless delays. Today, we are finally turning the page on this horrific chapter in our nation's history.
Obama "Bow" To Saudis: CNN Reporter Asks White House To Clarify

LOTHIAN: When the President met with King Abdullah, there was something that took place which I believe the White House explained was just the president being taller than the king. We took a look at the video, and it does appear that the president actually bowed to King Abdullah.
Bush's Hand Holding Of Saudi King Vs. Obama's "Bow"

ASU Stiffs Obama, Claims Too Inexperienced For Honorary Degree
Can we get a stimulus package voted on that will give the Republicans money to leave this country?If they hate it so much here and don't like the President, they can leave.I will be the first to donate.They can go live in Russia or Mexico or Australia.

Are these WANKERS for real? I wonder how much McCain had to do with that?
TEMPE, ARIZONA - Universities typically confer an honorary degree on commencement speakers, particularly those who have reached the pinnacle of their career or achieved the top of their field. Arizona State University (ASU), though, says it will not confer an honorary degree on this year's commencement speaker, President Barack Obama, because "his body of work is yet to come."
ASU Media Relations Director Sharon Keeler says, unlike other universities, the processes for selecting commencement speakers and honorary degree recipients are independent. She says that honorary degrees are given "for an achievement of eminence" and that Obama was not considered for an honorary degree because his body of achievements, at this time, does not fit within that criteria.
Writing two best-sellers? Not outstanding. Developing one of the largest grassroots organizations in the world? Nothing special. Becoming the first African American President of the United States? Good, but nothing to write home about.
According to the ASU State Press, ASU President Michael Crow told the committee that "significant contributions to education and society over the course of a person's career merit consideration for an honorary degree."
If being a U.S. Senator and President of the United States -- the so-called leader of the free world -- is not enough to be deemed as having made significant contributions to society, Obama also has a long list of contributions to education. The first bill Obama sponsored in Congress was the HOPE Act. He developed comprehensive plans for students to receive education benefits in exchange for public service. Not to mention that he was the first African American president of the Harvard Law Review, taught Constitutional law at an ivy league university, and, among many other accomplishments, served as a community organizer where established an adult education program and a college preparatory program in inner-city Chicago. It is hard to see how these achievements fail to merit honor.
The ASU Honorary Degree Committee is made up of six members from across the campuses and is chaired by Dr. Laurie Chassin, a psychology professor. Keeler said Obama was not considered by the committee for an honorary degree and may not have even been nominated. According to university procedures, nominations may be submitted by members of the university family (including its 60,000+ students or even alumni) at any time during the academic year.
Feinstein: Not The Time For Gun Control
Changing what needs to be changed, the response of the Obama administration is identical to those of its predecessors: uncomprehending, vacuously pious and, in the end, indifferent. No one in Washington cares to say the obvious: That the slaughter is a symptom of a diseased social order.
Source: CBS Broadcasting Inc.
The California senator who authored the nation's now-lapsed 1994 ban on assault weapons says she will hold off trying to renew that ban.
Dianne Feinstein (D.-Calif.) tells 60 Minutes correspondent Lesley Stahl that the political timing isn't right and she will move to renew the ban at a future time of her own choosing. Feinstein appears in Stahl's report on the increase in gun sales taking place in America to be broadcast this Sunday, April 12, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.
Asked by Stahl if trying to renew the assault weapons ban would start a culture war and pose a distraction for an already overburdened Obama Administration, Feinstein replies, "I agree with you." "So you are going to hold off?" asks Stahl. "That's correct. I'll pick the time and the place, no question about it," Feinstein tells Stahl.
But even if she pursued the renewal, the votes may not be there today in either the Senate or the House. Both Houses of Congress gained pro-gun Democrats this past election, some of whom won the support of the National Rifle Association. "I am not going to disagree with that at all," says Feinstein. "The National Rifle Association essentially has a stranglehold on the Congress."
What's New?
No Bravery
The panel of eight Marines who served in Iraq or Afghanistan got the case Wednesday and deliberated more than four hours.
Weemer, of Hindsboro, Ill., could have faced a maximum sentence of life in prison and dishonorable discharge if convicted of murder. The maximum sentence for dereliction is six months in prison and a bad conduct discharge.
Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough And Other Pundits Celebrated End of Iraq War -- Six Years Ago Today

Vice President Cheney dismissed critics of the war as ''retired military officers embedded in T.V. studios'' (consider the irony of that given later revelations). Donald Rumsfeld compared the end of Saddam Hussein's government to the fall of the Berlin Wall - a tragically premature judgment, as we would soon learn.
Fred Barnes at Fox News said: "The war was the hard part. The hard part was putting together a coalition, getting 300,000 troops over there and all their equipment and winning. And it gets easier. I mean, setting up a democracy is hard, but it is not as hard as winning a war."
In all of this there was a special emphasis on the toppling of that tall statue of Saddam Hussein in Baghdad. It was, in most cases, attributed solely to the Iraqis--with little or no mention of the crucial help provided by U.S. marines.
The stories were filled with gloating comments by administration officials. I happened to be in New Orleans for a newspaper conference where Vice President Cheney - I'm sure he would have preferred being back at the White House sharing a few toasts with his fellow architects of the war - offered that quip about the war critics. It was a surreal scene. In the ballroom at the Fairmont awaiting Cheney's arrival I watched a huge video screen, which was showing the toppling of the statue, fall over itself and nearly reach the floor before it was propped back into place.
Beck Named 'World's Worst Person' For Fearmongering
What about the friking nut jobs that listen to the freak?
Lots of commenters didn't like my take on a CNN segment, responding to the recent uptick in gun violence by anointing Fox News as the primary driver behind that criminality. Well, I appreciate the respectful way you all raised your objections. And I suppose I'm most moved by the gentlemen who chided me, in sincere frustration, that finally someone -- Rick Sanchez -- was speaking out against the toxic discourse, and there I was, calling him out. Well, regardless of my own point of view, I do respect the frustration that many of you feel, when you see people talking up wack panic from their doom room and poisoning the discourse with a lot of unnecessary histrionics. So, from our Media Monitor, Jon, here's a video of Keith Olbermann, generally agreeing with the contention that Glenn Beck is "encouraging Americans to shoot other Americans. LinkHere

Organizers of the event in Washington, D.C. told the Huffington Post that several Republican officeholders had asked to speak at the event, only to be turned down in favor of Alan Keyes. The Washington Independent reports that the choice of Keyes, a plaintiff in the insane Obama birth certificate lawsuit, was announced in a meeting room to "a chorus of groans."
The effort to prevent current GOP leaders from hijacking the grassroots message is seen elsewhere. In a brutally embarrassing smackdown for Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele, tea party coordinator Eric Odom publicly denied the party leader the privilege of stage time.
They're not giving speaking slots to elected politicians, Odom wrote. Instead, Steele should attend the event as a non-speaker, because it will "present a fantastic time for Chairman Steele to LISTEN to what we have to say and perhaps gather some thoughts on what the RNC needs to be doing moving forward."
Republican politicians will not be discouraged, however. Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana, for one, wants legislation to make tax day National Tea Party Day.
One element has had success commandeering the tea party movement: Fox News. The network is aggressively promoting the protests and plans to cover them live from multiple cities in an all-day televised teafest. Fox is firing up its conservative audience by reporting that nefarious liberals from ACORN and the Huffington Post plan to sabotage tax day events. Michelle Malkin is fired up indeed.
The Huffington Post has been asking readers to provide us with a ground-level perspective of tax day events, not to "infiltrate" them. Click here to sign up!
Rush Limbaugh Picks His GOP Favorites: Palin, Sanford

For Democrats, it doesn't get much better than this: three of its favorite targets brought together during one Fox television segment.
Republican Caller Tells Limbaugh: "You're A Brainwashed Nazi"
Sanford On Stimulus: South Carolina Doesn't Really Need
School district leaders and town elders quizzed S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford Wednesday about his stance on federal stimulus funds, pressing him to explain why he opposes federal aid that could keep teachers in the classroom.
But Sanford told a room packed with 200 Fort Mill Rotary Club members that piling up more debt isn't the answer to South Carolina's economic woes.
Read the whole story: Charlotte Observer
Palin please don't get me started!!!!!!
And the public just is not buying what they're selling.

So pity the poor media, especially those commenting from the right. Their frustration in not being able to control the storyline on Obama's presidency must be giving them fits.

Are these people serious? Is this truly all they have left? Their essential argument is: Obama can't force us to support him, and it is his fault when we refuse to do so. If he'd only do what we tell him to do, we could support him -- in which case the other two-thirds of the American public would likely not support him, but at least then we'd be happy. The one-third of the country that still agrees with us actually does not agree with the president, which he should be ashamed about.
That's it. That is the sum total of their complaint.
GOP acting like 'schoolyard bullies,' Dem congresswoman complains
"Those who can‘t, do," MSNBC's Keith Olbermann intoned Tuesday night. "Those who are Cantor, do ambushes."
Politico's Patrick O'Connor reports about a "team of Republican members that House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) has put together to create embarrassing, YouTube-worthy moments for vulnerable Democratic freshmen."
"Cantor’s floor staff has created a photo album to help identify the 42 most vulnerable Democrats," O'Connor adds. "The aides send daily e-mails to the members of the attack team and alert lawmakers when these targeted members are speaking on the floor. They even draft quick scripts to help focus the questioning.
"O'Connor notes that "Ohio Democrat Mary Jo Kilroy had a particularly rough go of it the other day." LinkHere
Unplug electrical grid from 'Net, ex-terror czar Clarke warns
Former White House cyber security adviser Richard Clarke told ABC's Diane Sawyer that the U.S. should consider disconnecting the power grid from the internet to decrease the likelihood of attack.
Clarke, now an ABC consultant, called the "offensive cyber war units" being employed by foreign countries such as Russia "very serious." LinkHere
Mike Quigley Elected To Succeed Rahm Emanuel In Congress (VIDEO)
Democrat Mike Quigley, a reform-minded Cook County commissioner, on Tuesday claimed the high-profile Illinois congressional seat that Rahm Emanuel gave up to be President Barack Obama's chief of staff.
Quigley, 50, trounced GOP nominee Rosanna Pulido and Green Party candidate Matt Reichel for the 5th Congressional District seat that Emanuel first won in 2002.
He knows comparisons to Emanuel are inevitable. LinkHere
Pelosi Splits With Obama On State Secrets, Bush Investigations
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Speaker Nancy Pelosi struck a discordant chord with the White House on Wednesday, claiming a "difference of opinion" with the administration's approach to litigating warrantless wiretapping lawsuits as well as the president's hesitance to investigate the Bush years.
Appearing on MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann, Pelosi repeatedly praised Barack Obama for a fresh style of governance, saying on multiple occasions that she had the utmost confidence in his political agenda. But on a few contentious issues, there was noticeable distance between her and the White House.
The daylight was no more so than on the topic of immunizing public officials from lawsuits over their participation in the government's warrantless wiretapping program. The Obama Justice Department wants these suits tossed, citing a need to protect "state secrets" and an amendment to the Patriot Act that bars disclosure of such intelligence information unless it is done willfully.
Pelosi noted that the law used to justify the administration's position was due to lapse, or "sunset," later this year, and she indicated that Congress may not renew it. LinkHere
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Obama To Congressional Dems: I'm Taking On Netanyahu and I Need You
President Obama is telling Democrats on Capitol Hill that, if Netanyahu continues in his opposition to negotiations, he is going to take him on.
It is essential that he do this because Prime Ministers of Israel tend to run to Congress if the US president deviates from, what the Prime Minister perceives as 100% support.
Netanyahu has done that in the past. During the Clinton years, he was an ex officio member of the Republican caucus, openly cavorting with Speaker Gingrich and dissing President Clinton. Clinton still prevailed because most Congressional Democrats stood with their President and push never came to shove.
Obama will likely prevail too but who knows? On Israel issues, Democrats are at least as lockstep behind the occupation as Republicans. Some of the most out- there House liberals (from New York, California, Maryland and Florida) are Likud on Israel at the same time that they were strong opponents of the Iraq war. Some of them are as rightwing as Netanyahu. Or, to be more precise, pretend to be.
That is why Obama needs to tell them. Hey, I know you don't want to get the lobby mad. I understand all about fundraising, But what I'm doing is best for the United States and Israel. And, guys, I'm your President, I expect your support and I'm taking names.
Here is another article from Ha'aretz in which various Congressional liberals sound off for Netanyahu. It is this type of thing Obama needs to respond to.
Palin Legal Defense Fund Launched, Supporters Drawn To Her Maternal Instinct [UPDATED]

The home page of “Sarah Palin’s Defense Fund” proclaims that “SARAH PALIN NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!!!” But a click on “donate now” directs the user to the website of Free American Citizens. [...]
Palin’s staff said the group did not contact either her political action committee or her governor’s office before announcing its formation Wednesday.
The group, which did not respond to requests for comment, is staffed by two people — one in Pacific Palisades, Calif., and another in Weatherford, Texas, according to its website. Donations are directed to a P.O. box in Texas.
Palin's spokesperson tells Barr that the governor will not accept legal defense funds raised by this group.
Thrilled Iraq Vets Talk About Meeting Obama
Two soldiers in Iraq, Olga Elliot and April Turner, who got "a picture and a hug and a handshake" from the president talk to MSNBC's Tamron Hall. "I was extremely shocked," says one. "We are looking forward to our tour in Iraq," says the other, "and the president's visit just made it that much more important to us." LinkHere
Fox News In Tea Party Frenzy!

Despite its repeated insistence that its coverage is "fair and balanced" and its invitation to viewers to "say 'no' to biased media," Fox News has frequently aired segments encouraging viewers to get involved with "tea party" protests across the country, which the channel has described as primarily a response to President Obama's fiscal policies.
The Media Matters item goes on to beat up Fox for dozens of recent on-air statements it views as too favorable of the tea party movement, such as Glenn Beck's exhortation to "celebrate with Fox News" on tax day.
Fox's Tea Party cheerleading stands in stark contrast to the studied silence observed by CNBC, whose own Rick Santelli got this whole movement started. Since Santelli's impromptu rant blasting government spending on bank bailouts and mortgage relief, he and his network have kept their distance.
The Huffington Post has been asking readers to help us cover -- but not to "infiltrate," per Neil Cavuto -- the many-hundred events as they happen across the country. Click here if you're interested in signing up.
Christopher Hitchens Debates Kenneth Blackwell About Religious Influence In America
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Baracknophobia: Hannity, Bachmann, And Beck Terrified Of Obama
Krugman On Rachel Maddow Show: Talks Economy, Financial Crisis
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Tuesday, April 07, 2009
Biden: Cheney "Dead Wrong," Country Is "More Safe" Under Obama
Vice President Joe Biden says his predecessor is 'dead wrong' in criticizing the new administration.
Source: CNN Added April 7, 2009 more CNN video
Don't tax their millions, just tax your thousands, right? Friking Wankers.
Republicans Blackmailing Obama (planning to “go nuclear” over Bush torture memos)

The appointments of Dawn Johnsen, nominated to head the same Office of Legal Counsel that produced those memos (and who’s been strongly critical of the office’s work in the past), and of Harold Hongju Koh, the illustrious Dean of Yale Law School who has been tapped for State Department legal counsel, hang in the balance. Both have already been publicly attacked by conservatives as extreme leftists for, in Johnsen’s case, criticizing the torture memos and supporting the right to an abortion, and in Koh’s, for being a strong advocate of international law. (Dahlia Lithwick at Slate recently catalogued some of the more absurd attacks in her own defense of Koh.)