By Fatih Abdulsalam
Azzaman, November 17, 2006
Undoubtedly there are some in Iraq who felt sorry for the sacking of the minister of blood, murder, crime and stupidity, Donald Rumsfeld at the Pentagon.
Those who expressed such sorrow are his lackeys who sought his protection to cover their own crimes in turning Iraq into a bloody forest after the destruction of its values and institutions.
All these crimes have been perpetrated and the destruction of the country carried out in order to provide protection and security for the U.S. army of invasion.
But this formidable invasion army of which Rumsfeld and his Iraqi lackeys were so proud of has been dealt a heavy blow at the hands of barefoot and lightly armed Iraqis.
The defeat and humiliation Rumsfeld has brought his nation dwarfs that of Vietnam if we take the current technological advances in weapons systems at U.S. army disposal.
In the Vietnam war, as one U.S. military strategist says, the air force would need to drop nearly 250 bombs to destroy a bridge while in Iraq one bomb would the job perfectly well.
In that war the Vietnamese rebels had the support of Russian and China – two superpowers – while Iraqi resistance is purely indigenous besieged by hostile neighbors which all dread America.
This illustrates that Rumsfeld has left the Pentagon defeated and humiliated. His only legacy is the crimes American troops have perpetrated under his term.
Rumsfeld pressed ahead with his crimes encouraged by his tails in Iraq who rolled a read carpet for him – turned red due to the rivers of innocent blood.
And Rumsfeld had no qualms treading on the blood with his black boots in the hope of achieving his dirty aims.
But there was no way for this arrogant and stupid man to achieve those aims.
Rumsfeld visited Iraq 13 times. In each visit he was made to drink a cup of his defeat which culminated in his ouster.
Rumsfeld should not be the only one to go and pay the price for the U.S. quagmire in Iraq. Iraqis are anxious to see more heads rolling in the light of the new congressional reality in the U.S.
Otherwise, and God willing, the painful blows of Iraqi resistance, which rarely miss hitting an occupier or a lackey, will have them ousted and humiliated.
And hopefully President Bush will come to his sense and read the writing on the wall. He is the one who has the real figures of the losses being inflicted on his troops in Iraq.
Bush knows that keeping those losses under wraps cannot continue for ever.
And then Bush himself will start cursing Rumsfeld.